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Governors America ESD5500E Speed Control Unit price in Nepal.

Governors America ESD5500E Speed Control Unit

Category: Electronics

electronics related devices

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Nrs. 1500000 Nrs. 152500

Product Specification

Model Name/NumberESD5500E
BrandGovernors America
Isochronous Operation+/-0.25% or better
Speed Drift with Temperature+/-1% Maximum
Idle Adjust CW60% of Set Speed
Idle Adjust CCWLess than 1200 Hz
Remote Variable Speed Range500 - 7.5 KHz
Relative Humidityup to 95%
Weight0.544 kg
Vibration1G @ 20-100 Hz

Product Description

The ESD5500E Series are all-electronic devices designed to control engine speed quickly and precisely in response to transient load changes. The ESD5500E will control a wide variety of engines in an isochronous or droop mode when connected to a proportional electric actuator and magnetic speed sensor. The ruggedly built ESD5500E is designed to withstand the engine environment. Light-Force variations are available.

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